Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sitting At The Table Of Those Who Relate.......

Just waking up to my senses and look at my self in mirror just one more time, and i see the bags under the eyes, the stress in the face, and the fatigue in the body, and then i look real deep into the eyes of the one on the other side of the glass, and he stares back into mine, and we can't help but smile, because we are alive with the Glory of God.

This week has made me sit back and reflect deeply on my life, on the way im looking at things and to see if all my plans fit so well in the palms of the hands of my Heavenly Father. I you go back and seem some of the mistakes that you have made and you tend to turn away in shame to those moments, but not me. I have a question for those who are legitimate geniuses of life, those ones that want to leave a legacy. How would you feel if your life was perfect and that nothing went wrong, and that you have a perfect record. You have never done anything seriously wrong. Would you be nope.... idon'tthinkso..... this is the confession of an imperfect person, who notices that he needs help from up above to be the best..... so if you have the share the same feeling listen up aight. I had started to read the new testament again, cuz you should honest be making a huge effort to understand the one who is going to help reach all your potential. And ive been taking it pretty slow cuz im reading all kinds of stuff right now lol. But anyways i came across the scripture in matthew chapter 9 where the lord goes and sits down with the sinners and publicans, and then the others were like WOE what are you doing sitting with sinners and publicans, and the lord simply says, " The whole don't need a physician, it is the sinners that i call to repentance." I was thinkin on that. And i remember back in the day that i had my time where i passed judgements and what not and i thought that i was more righteous then other ( i know real shock true colors) but its changed. Thats one thing that i love about my mission is that all i see now are what people can be. What they can Do, not what they will be because of their weaknesses, thats the easy way out, to judge and drop. But the real way to become a legend in its true sense, is to help another who has fallen rise to their potential. I want all those who know me to know one more thing. That is when i do come home i don't want you to fear and think that i will be disappointed in you or, im going to lay the spiritual laydown on you. NO. Im just gonna love you, and realize that you sit at the table with the saviour too, and you are sitting at the table with those who relate. Im sittin at the table too. anyways thats the message for today i hope you catch my for the update: i have only seven weeks left and things are flying by like crazy. We have a bapt. on the 4th of sept. so im stoked on that. and then im going to have a farewell party in my last area and im going to be wearing a Barrong if you don't know what it is look it up. my quote of the day would be : Old people though slow and dangerous behind the wheel can still serve a purpose.

love you guys and ill catch up next week aight

good tymes later days


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